An MBA Project Viva with various questions on project report is an important part of completing an MBA program. The viva-voce is an oral examination that tests the student’s understanding of the MBA project, its objectives, research methodology, findings and suggestions. In this article, we will discuss frequently asked top MBA project viva questions and answers that students can expect in 2023.

Following are the common questions asked for MBA Project Viva Voce.

Question: What is your project title?

Tell examiner your project title with company name. Be precise and accurate as much as possible.

Sample Answer:

My project topic was “A Study of Customer Buying Behaviour at Tata Motors, Pune”

Question: Tell me something about your project?

Tell examiner about your project name, company name, project duration, project background & project objectives in a brief.

Sample Answer:

My MBA project was focused on analyzing the customer satisfaction levels at Jio Mart, which is a relatively new entrant in the Indian retail market. The project aimed to identify the factors that contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as the areas where the company could improve its services to meet customer expectations.

To achieve these objectives, I used a mixed-methods approach, which included both qualitative and quantitative research methods. I conducted in-depth interviews with customers and employees of Jio Mart to gain insights into their perceptions and experiences. I also administered a survey to a sample of Jio Mart customers to gather quantitative data on their satisfaction levels.

Based on the analysis of the data, I found that customer satisfaction with Jio Mart was generally high, with customers reporting positive experiences in areas such as product quality, pricing, and store layout. However, there were some areas for improvement, such as customer service, product availability, and promotions.

Overall, my project provided useful insights into the factors that contribute to customer satisfaction at Jio Mart, and identified opportunities for the company to improve its services and retain customers in a highly competitive market.

Question: What was the objectives of your MBA project?

Tell 2 to 3 key objectives of your project precisely.

Sample Answer:

The key objective of my MBA project were –

  1. To identify the level of awareness about vegan products amongst youngsters.
  2. To examine the factors influencing the purchase decision of vegan products by youngsters.
  3. To analyze the brand perception and preferences of youngsters towards vegan products.
  4. To provide recommendations for improving brand awareness and increasing sales of vegan products amongst youngsters.

By achieving these objectives, the MBA project can provide valuable insights for marketers and companies to target the growing market of young consumers interested in vegan products.

What research methodology did you use for your project?

If examiner asks this type of questions to you in your MBA viva voce, start by introducing the research methodology used in your project.

For example,

  1. For my MBA project, I used a quantitative research methodology to collect and analyze data.
  2. For my project, I used descriptive research design, primary and secondary data collection method, and my sample size was 97.
  3. I used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including surveys, interviews, and data analysis.

Provide details on the specific research methods used to collect data.

For example, in a quantitative research methodology, you would explain that you used surveys or questionnaires to collect data from a sample population.

Finally, conclude by summarizing how the research methodology used helped you achieve the objectives of your project and contributed to your overall findings.

By following these steps, you can provide a clear and concise answer to the question “What research methodology did you use for your project?” in your MBA project.

Can you explain the key findings of your project?

You should focus on summarizing the most important insights and results that your project has revealed. Here are some tips to help you structure your answer –

  • Highlight the most important findings.
  • Support your findings with data, statistics & other supportive evidents.

Overall, your goal should be to provide a clear and compelling summary of the most important insights and results from your project.

For example:

Certainly, I can explain the key findings of my MBA project on “Customer Satisfaction Level”.

  • Firstly, about 68% customers reported a high level of satisfaction with the products or services they received. This indicates that the company is doing well in meeting the needs and expectations of its customers.
  • Secondly, the study revealed that the quality of service provided by the company was a significant factor in determining customer satisfaction.
  • Thirdly, the study found that customer loyalty was strongly linked to satisfaction. Around 68% customers who reported high levels of satisfaction were more likely to remain loyal to the company and to recommend it to others.

If examiner asks you questions related to findings or conclusion in your MBA Project viva voce, be precise and accurate as much as possible.

What was your Sample Size?

Tell your external about the Sample Size and Sample Population. You can answer by providing the specific number of participants or cases that were included in your study.

For example:

  • The sample size for my MBA project was 375 customers from different regions of the country.
  • I collected data from a sample size of 26 companies in the technology sector.

Mentioning the sample size in your project is important because it indicates the representativeness of your study. Larger sample sizes generally increase statistical power and reduce error in your study, providing more reliable and robust results.

What was your sampling method?

Tell him that you have done Convenient or Random Sampling depending on your project.

Sample Answer:

For this project, I used Simple Random Sampling method where I selected a subset of participants from a large population.

What is Random Sampling?

Tell him Random Sampling means data was collected randomly from any respondent in the given list. Random sampling is a part of the sampling technique in which each sample has an equal probability of being chosen. This is generally an unbiased representation of the total population.

Random sampling is a probability sampling technique where every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for the study. In this type of sampling, each member of the population is assigned a number, and a random number generator is used to select participants for the study.

Random sampling ensures that the sample is representative of the population, and the results obtained from the sample can be generalized to the larger population.

What is Convenient Sampling?

This is a a non-probability sampling method. In Convenient Sampling, data was collected from the respondents who are easily available and ready to respond. In this method, researchers collect data from a conveniently available pool of respondents.

Convenient sampling is a non-probability sampling technique. In this technique participants are selected based on their availability, accessibility, and willingness to participate in a study. In this type of sampling, the researcher selects the sample based on convenience or ease of access, without using any randomization or statistical methods.

Which type of data you have used in your study?

Tell about the data used in your project i.e. Primary, Secondary or both.

For example-

For this project, I used primary data collection method. For collection of primary data, I mainly used a well structured questionnaire & interviews.

What is Likert Scale?

It is 5 Point Psychometric Scale. Researchers often use this scale to collect & understand the views and perspectives towards a company, brand, product, or target market.

Sample Likert Scale:

Highly Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Average, Dissatisfactory, and Highly Dissatisfactory

How you have made the graphs?

  • I made the graphs using MS Excel.
  • I used SPSS software to prepare graphs.

What are the conclusions you have drawn from your study?

Tell him about the conclusions you have written in your project and conclusions you have drawn during the project.

For example –

Based on my study on customer satisfaction levels, I have drawn the following conclusions:

  • Customer satisfaction is crucial for the success of any business, as satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal and recommend the business to others.
  • The level of customer satisfaction varies across different industries, businesses, and products. It is essential to measure and monitor it regularly to identify areas for improvement.
  • There are many factors that influence customer satisfaction which we need to understand and tackle well.
  • Providing excellent customer service, timely resolution to complaints, and personalized experiences can improve customer satisfaction levels.
  • Social media and online reviews are powerful tools that can influence customers’ perceptions and expectations, and businesses need to manage their online reputation proactively.
  • Finally, it is crucial to recognize that customer satisfaction is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and improvement to maintain and enhance customer loyalty and retention.

These are some of the conclusions I have drawn from my study on customer satisfaction levels, and I believe that addressing these factors can help businesses improve their customer satisfaction levels and achieve long-term success.

What are your suggestions or recommendations to the company?

Tell him about the recommendations and recommendations collected from the respondents.

Do you think Your Project will be useful or Needed?

Always say Yes and tell him about the benefits and need of your project.

Sample Answer:

Yes, I believe that my project will be useful and needed for several reasons.

  • Firstly, my project addresses important research questions related to the topic.
  • Secondly, the results of my study can help organizations understand customer behavior and preferences.
  • Thirdly, my project can be useful for consumers with valuable information that can help them make more informed decisions.
  • Lastly, my project can be useful for future researchers who are interested in exploring similar research questions.

Overall, I believe that my project will be useful and needed for a variety of stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, policymakers, organizations, and consumers.

How did you ensure the validity of your research results?

To ensure validity, I used a representative sample of the target audience for the product and conducted multiple rounds of testing and analysis to confirm the accuracy of my findings.

How did you go about selecting your research participants?

I used a combination of random and purposive sampling techniques to select participants who were representative of the target audience for the product.

What challenges did you face during the project, and how did you overcome them?

One of the main challenges I faced was collecting enough data within a limited time frame. To overcome this, I leveraged online survey tools and worked closely with my research participants to ensure timely and accurate data collection.

How do you see the results of your project being implemented in practice?

I believe that the company can use the findings from my project to refine its marketing strategy, including the messaging and channels used to reach potential customers. By doing so, the company can improve the effectiveness of its marketing efforts and ultimately achieve its business objectives.

For example –

The results of my project can be implemented in practice in several ways.

  • Firstly, the findings of my study can be used by organizations to make data-driven decisions. For example, the study may reveal that certain products or services are more popular among customers, which can inform companies’ product development strategies.
  • Secondly, the results of my project can be used to identify areas for improvement in the organization’s operations. For example, the study may reveal that customers are dissatisfied with the level of customer service provided by the organization, which can prompt the organization to take steps to improve customer service.
  • Thirdly, the results of my project can be used to inform marketing and communication strategies. For example, the study may reveal that certain marketing messages or communication channels are more effective in reaching customers, which can inform the organization’s marketing and communication strategies.
  • Lastly, the results of my project can be used to inform policy decisions. For example, the study may reveal trends or patterns related to customer behavior that can inform policy decisions related to consumer protection or regulatory compliance.

Overall, the results of my project have practical implications for organizations as well as policymakers. This can be used to inform decision-making and improve business operations.

How you have collected the Primary data?

The study necessitates a methodical gathering of data from survey research (using a structured questionnaire.

For example:

In my study on consumer behavior towards insurance, I collected primary data using the following methods:

  • Online Surveys
  • Interviews
  • Focus Groups
  • Observations

Overall, I used a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to obtain a rich understanding of consumer behavior towards insurance.

These primary data collection methods helped me to explore consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards insurance.

How you have collected the Secondary data?

Secondary data is collected from websites, journals and records, magazines, Books.

For example:

In my study on consumer behavior towards insurance, I collected secondary data from various sources, including:

  • Journals
  • Government Reports
  • Company Reports: I collected reports and publications released by insurance companies to understand their products, market share, and customer satisfaction levels.
  • Online Databases
  • Websites

Overall, I collected secondary data from various sources to supplement my primary data collection efforts and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing consumer behavior towards insurance. The use of secondary data helped me to identify research gaps, validate my findings, and provide context to my study.

What is the research design?

Research Design refers to the framework or plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis of data.

These types of questions can be asked in your MBA Project viva. Also refer other questions related to research methodology to get more insight.

What are the implications of your project for the company?

My project identified areas for improvement in the marketing campaign, which could help the company better target potential customers and ultimately increase sales and revenue.

What motivated and inspired you to carry out this research and project?

The motivation and inspiration behind my research and project on Customer satisfaction stemmed from a number of factors.

Firstly, there was a need/problem in the company to understand their customer’s perception and satisfaction level towards products.

Secondly, I was also equally eager to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Thirdly, I was motivated by the potential impact that my research could have on the company, industry or society.

And Lastly, I was driven by the personal and professional growth opportunities that came with carrying out this research and project.

Overall, a combination of personal interest, potential impact, contribution to the existing body of knowledge, and personal and professional growth opportunities motivated and inspired me to carry out this research and project.

This is all about MBA Project Viva Questions And Answers.

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